
Meet the Hutong team: Luanfeng Huang

Meet the Hutong Team! Meet Luanfeng Huang, our Education Manager in Shanghai!

14 Apr 2012

Chinese customs, manners and etiquette

Figuring out Chinese customs, Chinese manners or the Chinese etiquette can be hard for people who have never been to China or studied the culture.

9 Apr 2012

Grand Opening Hutong School Shanghai - Afterthoughts

On March 23rd, we threw a rooftop party to celebrate the opening of the first Hutong School Shanghai branch. Students can now learn Chinese in Shanghai!

31 Mar 2012

Meet the Hutong Team: Bridget Madell

Meet the Hutong Team! Meet Bridget Madell, our Admissions Director in Beijing!

30 Mar 2012

Must See in Shanghai

Planning a visit to come to Shanghai or already here and not sure what to visit? Here are some suggestions of must see places in Shanghai!

28 Mar 2012